jemdoc: menu{MENU}{linux-servers.html}

= Logging in

If you want to access any of the systems remotely, use SSH as described in these documents: []


= Command-line cheatsheet

This is meant to be a quick list of commands that are useful as you’re getting started with the Unix/Linux command-line and various other tools.

For a longer tutorial with examples and screen animations, check out [ this guide at Adafruit].

In these examples, items in +/CAPITAL ITALIC/+ represent items that should be replaced, usually with a file or directory name.

= Moving around +cd /DIR/+ change to a directory

+pwd+ Print the present working directory (i.e., where you are)

+ls+ list the contents of the current directory

= Files and directories +touch /FILE/+ creates FILE, or updates its modification time if it already exists

+rm /FILE/+ removes FILE

+mkdir /DIR/+ creates the directory DIR

+rmdir /DIR/+ removes the directory DIR

+cp /SRC/ /DST/+ copies the file SRC to DST

= Provide +provide ee201 /ASSIGNMENT/ /FILE/+ submits FILE for grading.

= A more useful prompt The default prompt ( e.g, +sunfire62{sbell03}33}+ ) isn’t very helpful.

You can get a better one by editing the file +~/.cshrc+, and putting the following lines at the end:

# Use a nice prompt
# %n is your current username
# %m is the hostname
# %~ shows the current directory, and uses ~ for home
set prompt="%n@%m\:%~> "

For a fancier color version, use this: ~~~ {}{} # Color prompt # You can change the last number to try different colors # The first two numbers control background and bold set prompt=“%{[38;5;9m%}%n%{[38;5;15m%}@%{[38;5;3m%}%m%{[38;5;7m%}:%{[38;5;6m%}%~%{[0m%}>” ~~~