import array, math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ########################################### # Global user-set parameters ########################################### f1 = 16 # How long the first (smoothing) filter is f2 = 1024 # How long the second (baselining) filter is f3 = 100 # How many samples per segment ########################################### # Global user-set per-channel parameters ########################################### ch1_Schmidt0=100 # Call the signal a 0 when it dips lower than this. ch1_Schmidt1=400 # " " " " 1 " " " higher " ". # Our final "RMS," doesn't take the sqrt or divide by f3. So compensate. # sqrt(N/f3)=S; N/f3=S**2; N=f3*S**2 ch1_Schmidt0=f3 * ch1_Schmidt0 * ch1_Schmidt0 ch1_Schmidt1=f3 * ch1_Schmidt1 * ch1_Schmidt1 ########################################### # Global variables ########################################### f1_ptr=0 f2_ptr=0 pos_in_current_segment = 0 # I.e., we're at the beginning of a segment. n_reads=0 # Number of reads since forever. f1_mask = f1-1 # If f1=16, then 0xF f2_mask = f2-1 # If f2=64, then 0x3F ########################################### # Global per-channel variables ########################################### # 2B/entry, holds the last 'f2' ADC values. ch1_circ_buffer1=array.array('H', (0 for _ in range(f1))) ch1_circ_buffer2=array.array('H', (0 for _ in range(f2))) ch1_f1_run_sum=0 # running sum for smoothing filter ch1_f2_run_sum=0 # running sum for baselining filter ch1_run_sumsqr=0 # running sum of baselined**2 on current segment ch1_On = False # Current state for the Schmidt trigger. ########################################### # Arrays just to save up numbers for plotting ########################################### plot_f1=[] plot_baseline=[] plot_baselined=[] plot_rms=[] plot_schmidt=[] ########################################### # Library routines. ########################################### # Find i such that 1< Schmidt1)): return(True, True) if (On and (run_sumsqr < Schmidt0)): return(False, True) return (On, False) def mavg_filters (val): global n_reads, f1_ptr, f2_ptr, pos_in_current_segment, ch1_f1_run_sum, \ ch1_f2_run_sum, ch1_run_sumsqr, ch1_On f1_ptr = n_reads & f1_mask ch1_f1_run_sum += (val-ch1_circ_buffer1[f1_ptr]) #Sum of last 'f1' readings f1_out = ch1_f1_run_sum >> divide_f1 # avg over last 'f1' readings ch1_circ_buffer1[f1_ptr] = val f2_ptr = n_reads & f2_mask ch1_f2_run_sum += (val-ch1_circ_buffer2[f2_ptr]) #Sum of last 'f2' readings ch1_circ_buffer2[f2_ptr] = val baseline = ch1_f2_run_sum >> divide_f2 # avg over last 'f2' readings baselined = f1_out - baseline ch1_run_sumsqr += (baselined * baselined) # Pos_in_current_segment counts cyclically in [0,f3) to flag when we're # done with a segment. pos_in_current_segment += 1 if (pos_in_current_segment==f3): pos_in_current_segment=0 ch1_On,changed=Schmidt(ch1_On,ch1_run_sumsqr,ch1_Schmidt0,ch1_Schmidt1) #muscle_fun (ch1_On, changed) # User's function to call. for i in range(f3): plot_rms.append(math.sqrt(ch1_run_sumsqr/f3)) plot_schmidt.append(ch1_On*1000) ch1_run_sumsqr=0 # Save the signals into lists to plot later. plot_f1.append(f1_out) plot_baseline.append(baseline) plot_baselined.append(baselined) n_reads += 1 def main(): global divide_f1, divide_f2 divide_f1 = shiftR_amount (f1) # If f1=16, then 4 (since >>4 is /16) divide_f2 = shiftR_amount (f2) # If f2=64, then 6 (since >>6 is /64) list = [] dir = '..\\..\\data\\csv_files\\8_13_21' file='ll_la_cleaner' with open(dir + '\\' + file) as f: for line in f: list.append (int(float(line.strip()))) raw = np.array (list) plt.plot (raw[1000:], label="raw") for i in range(len(raw)): mavg_filters (raw[i]) #plt.plot (plot_f1, label=f"moving-avg{f1}") #plt.plot (plot_baseline, label=f"baseline{f2}") #plt.plot (plot_baselined, label=f"baselined{f2}") #plt.plot (plot_rms, label=f"RMS{f3}") #plt.plot (plot_schmidt, label="Schmidt") plt.legend (loc="upper left") main() #ecg_8232_ll_la_1_cleaned: my normal ECG. F2=128 yields a really low T wave # that's as big (negatively) as QRS. But F2=1024 is only slightly # negative. #ecg_8232_ll_ra_1: big T. Even with F2=1024, we get a big peak on T