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Section 5.2 Web servers

A web server is a program that listens for requests for web pages and returns content. In the "old days", the web page content was stored in a file somewhere on the web server. The URL entered in a web browser's address bar specified the web server and the path to the file, and the web server's job was simply to look up the file and send its contents back to the client. This method is known as "static hosting" because the individual web pages are simple files which do not change dynamically. These days % These days, % URL is still a path % Since the URL is no longer the path to an actual file, it is common to leave off the file extension Numerous tools and frameworks exist for building web servers in Python; we will use a minimalist one suitable for microcontrollers called Microdot 1 .

Subsection 5.2.1 A minimal server

Subsection 5.2.2 Responding with HTML