Welcome to ES 4!
Quick links: Canvas — Piazza — Gradescope — Textbook online — VHDLweb problems
This is the home page for Tufts ES 4, Introduction to Digital Logic.
Schedule and links
This is the draft schedule for Fall ’24, so you can get a sense of how the course will go. Links will be fixed as the course progresses.
General due dates, unless otherwise specified:
- Reading checks are due on the day of class at 11am, via Canvas.
- Homework/assessments are due on Tuesdays at 1:30pm (i.e., at class time), via Gradescope.
- Prelabs are due 24 hours before your lab section, via Gradescope.
- Lab writeups are due at the time of your lab section the following week, via Gradescope.
Week 1 (September 1)
Class begins in Barnum LL08 (the lecture hall in the Barnum basement – it’s easiest to enter at the back). You don’t need to do anything before class, just show up!
Introduction (Tuesday 9/3)
Numbers in binary
Just for fun
Boolean equations, truth tables, and circuits (Thursday 9/5)
Week 2 (September 8)
Manipulating boolean equations (Tuesday 9/10)
Possibly helpful
Minimizing logic with Karnaugh maps (Thursday 9/12)
Possibly helpful
Possibly helpful
Week 3 (September 15)
Multiplexers and FPGAs (Tuesday 9/17)
Just for fun
Timing combinational logic (Thursday 9/19)
Possibly helpful
Week 4 (September 22)
VHDL for combinational logic (Tuesday 9/24)
Computer arithmetic (Thursday 9/26)
Just for fun
Week 5 (September 29)
Testing and testbenches (Tuesday 10/1)
Structural modeling
Adders and other combinational circuits (Thursday 10/3)
There is no prelab or lab report this week!Assignments
Possibly helpful
Just for fun
Week 6 (October 7)
Exam 1 (Tuesday 10/8)
Latches and flip-flops (Thursday 10/10)
Just for fun
Week 7 (October 13)
Describing sequential logic with VHDL (Tuesday 10/15)
More on sequential logic and VHDL (Thursday 10/17)
No new lab this week; complete lab 5 if you haven’t finished.
Free-form VHDL simulation
Possibly helpful
Just for fun
Week 8 (October 20)
State machines (Tuesday 10/22)
Moore on state machines (Thursday 10/24)
Optional lab stuff
Possibly useful
Week 9 (October 27)
Building FSMs to talk to peripherals (Tuesday 10/29)
Possibly helpful
Just for fun
Memory: registers, RAM, and ROM (Thursday 10/31)
No new lab this week; complete lab 6 if you haven’t finished.
Week 10 (November 3)
No class on Tuesday — election day!
Timing sequential logic (Tuesday 11/7)
Possibly useful
Pick one of the following labs to complete. You probably want to coordinate with your project team so you collectively cover the ones most useful for your final project.The labs below are new this year, so the guides are rough and the path is less traveled. We will support these, but don’t be surprised if you have to work through some extra issues.
Week 11 (November 10)
No class on Tuesday — Tufts Monday schedule!
Timing in real life, and some ethical dilemmas (Thursday 11/14)
No new reading for today!Just for fun
Week 12 (November 17)
Audio options and exam review (Tuesday 11/19)
Exam 2 (Thursday 11/21)
No new lab this week; complete lab 7 and start work on the final project.
Week 13 (November 24)
The ARM instruction set (Tuesday 11/26)
Just for fun
No class on Thursday, enjoy your Thanksgiving break!