// Interface signals between the mesh and DUT. Note that it does not include // the rings -- they're not visible outside of the DUT and are hence not part // of the interface. interface If_mesh(); logic clk; logic reset; logic data_avail_for_venv[MESH_SIZE][MESH_SIZE]; logic venv_taking_data[MESH_SIZE][MESH_SIZE]; Ring_slot data_to_venv[MESH_SIZE][MESH_SIZE]; logic can_accept_data_from_env[MESH_SIZE][MESH_SIZE]; Ring_slot data_from_venv [MESH_SIZE][MESH_SIZE]; modport TEST (output clk, reset, input data_avail_for_venv, data_to_venv, output venv_taking_data, can_accept_data_from_env, data_from_venv); modport DUT (input clk, reset, output data_avail_for_venv, venv_taking_data, input data_to_venv, can_accept_data_from_env, data_from_venv); endinterface